Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Dog update...

Day 2. Countdown to a new home for the dogs. I couldn't stand the thought of the dogs being on 'death row' so I rescued them from the pound. So now I have them tied up in the back yard. One uses my empty storage shed as a house, the other a doghouse I borrowed back from my sister. I posted a flyer at Applebees where I work part time plus have passed their info on to several shelters plus an online adoption site, but still no luck finding a home. ALL of the 'no-kill' shelters I called informed me that they were full and could not take any more pets. I also learned that several of these 'no kill' shelters are not as ideal a place to take a pet as you might think. Often times pets will remain there for YEARS, kept in a small pen waiting for an adoption that may never happen. Something to think about. If ANYONE would like more info on the dogs, please email me. I imagine they will need to be seperated in order to find a home which is fine. I can deliver them and I am more than willing to pay to have Leighla Spayed!


At 19 January, 2006, Blogger kittybrunette said...

I now think that I have a good lead, but won't know for sure until tomorrow. I might be able to place both dogs in the same place. jane

At 20 January, 2006, Blogger monica said...

Don't count on this, but I'm going to talk to my friend, who just moved out in the country, and see if she would be interested in taking the dogs. She already has two, so I don't know if she would be interested or not.

On a side note I've enjoyed reading your blog, check out my site at and stay in touch.... Monica

At 22 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just an idea, when i needed to get rid of my cats the local papers placed my ad for free, as long as i wasn't asking money for them. might help!? you could call around and check.

At 22 January, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

o brian im srry i look 4 them when we moved i left them at my moms and the pound said no they didnt have them i have search 4 u 4 awhile now i still have her babys and i miss bear sooooooo much im so srry so srrrryy my husband cryed cause of bear.. my kids cryed to im so happy u found them... im soooooo srrrrrrrrry... imsooooooooooo srrrrrrrrrry


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